They are a variety of resoucres available to learn more about our faith and how to continue practice our Faith.
Check out the Resouces below.
Our Parish Subscibes to Formed. Formed has a varity of resources for all. Below are some great ones for teens and families. For instructions on hoe to sign up click here.
Symbolon for Teens:
This year for youth group we are using Symbolon for teens to teach the student more about our Catholic Faith.
and More!
Seek the Food that truly Satisfies.
Come and Be Fed - Conversations with Archbishop Etienne
This past Year June 2020-June 2021 Archbishop Etienne proclaimed it the Year of the Eucharist for the Archdiocese of Seattle. As part of this he met with Young Adults of the Archdiocese and had conversations about different aspects of the Eucharist. You can find the links below for the videos and some additional resurces to continue groiwning in your Knowledge of the Eucharist.
The Litigurcal Calendar is central to our Faith Highlighting the important seasons and Feast Days. Check out this Kahoot to quiz yourself on what you know regarding the Liturgical Calendar.
Check out the links below to learn more.
Lectio Divina is an ancient way of praying with the bible. It has five movements:
1. Lectio: reading and listening to the word of God
2. Meditatio: meditating on the scripture you read
3. Oratio: responding to god with conscious prayer
4. Comtemplatio: comtemplation and resting in God's unconditional love.
5. Actio: ask yourself: "what does the word of God invite me to do?"
Check out the video below to learn more and for a walk thru on how to pray using lectio divina.
For more info on Lectio Divina check out the resources below:
Learn more about the Catechism and Catholic Social Teaching with these online resources from the YOUCAT and the DOCAT.
A vareity of resources and videos are available on the Archdiocese of Seattle Faith Formation site. Check it out here.
Check out for the daily readings and a variety of resources to learn more about our Faith.
Check out Busted Halo for articles and videos on a variety of topics.
Confrimation Program: Decision Point
Check out our Catholic Links for additional resources.
Also check out our Faith Formation Resources for others.