If you are interested in serving as a Eucharist Minister, Lector, Greeter, or Usher please email Marianne Manning at mariannemanning@stjbosco.org or call the paish office.
Questions please contact the parish office 253-582-1028
Youth may begin training after their first Communion. New servers are initially placed with those more experienced while learning.
Adult altar servers needed.
Eucharistic Ministers share the Body and Blood of Jesus with God's people during the Mass. After training, ministers are assigned a position to serve, which is usually once a month.
Lectors proclaim the readings: 1st Reading - Hebrew Scriptures; 2nd Reading - New Testament; and Prayers of the Faithful are read by the Lector after the Creed. Good reading skills, understanding of the reading and practice are required. Lectors serve once a month after training.
Sacristans prepare the altar and set out the bread and wine for weekend Masses or special holidays. Training is provided
Greeters have an essential role Their warm welcome helps each person to enter the church with an open heart. Greeters serve once a month, arriving early - 15 minutes before the Mass starts.
Ushers (families, men, women, and teens may serve in this ministry) assist with seating, take up the collection, direct traffic during communion and identify those needing Eucharist brought to them by a Eucharistic Minister.