We will be kicking off our Faith Formation program on September 8, 2024 with a BBQ after the 10 am mass. Everyone is invited to join! If you have not registered, you may register at this event.
Registration Form Below
St. John Bosco and St. Frances Cabrini have a combined Faith Formation Program. English Faith Formation classes will be held at St. John Bosco for grades K-6, three Sundays of the month with the schedule as follows:
10 am Mass
11 am Breakfast
11:30-12:30 FF Class
Grades K & 1 are combined
Grade 2 and all First Communion Prep students (Already Baptized) are combined
Grades 3 & 4 are combined
Grades 5 & 6 are combined
Grade 7 and up is eligible for Confirmation Prep
Please go to https://www.cabrini.us/copy-of-marriage for more information on Confirmation Prep
Grades 7-12 Bible Study is available with Marianne Manning after Breakfast on Sundays that FF is scheduled
Grades 7-12 Youth Group is available Monday Nights at St. John Bosco with Susana Martinez. Please go to https://www.cabrini.us/faith-formation#YouthGroup1 for more information.
Year Calendar
If you have questions, or would like to volunteer, please contact Marianne Manning.
Email: mariannemanning@stjbosco.org
Parish Office: 253-582-1028