Our Faith Formation program began last weekend (9/15). If you have not registered, there is still time to do so.
Registration Form Below
St. John Bosco and St. Frances Cabrini have a combined Faith Formation Program. English Faith Formation classes will be held at St. John Bosco for grades K-6, three Sundays of the month with the schedule as follows:
10 am Mass
11 am Breakfast
11:30-12:30 FF Class
Grades K & 1 are combined
Grade 2 and all First Communion Prep students (Already Baptized) are combined
Grades 3 & 4 are combined
Grades 5 & 6 are combined
Grade 7 and up is eligible for Confirmation Prep
Please go to https://www.cabrini.us/copy-of-marriage for more information on Confirmation Prep
Grades 7-12 Bible Study is available with Marianne Manning after Breakfast on Sundays that FF is scheduled
Grades 7-12 Youth Group is available Monday Nights at St. John Bosco with Susana Martinez. Please go to https://www.cabrini.us/faith-formation#YouthGroup1 for more information.
Year Calendar
If you have questions, or would like to volunteer, please contact the parish office.
Parish Office: 253-582-1028